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June 6, 2024


Bonomi North America will attend ACE 2024, in Anaheim, California from 10-13 June - booth 1100.

With more than 90 countries, 800 utilities, and 450 exhibitors, ACE is the place to showcase the latest advances for the future of water management.

Bonomi Group is committed to engineering, developing, and producing innovative products to ensure a future where water is managed more sustainably and efficiently, benefiting the planet and its inhabitants.

Among the many efficient solutions, Bonomi North America will showcase Ghibson's new rubber-lined and high-performance butterfly valve packages with Valbia electric actuators and Valpres' patented energy recovery LocPower control valve. 

We'll be waiting for you!

➡️ Stand 1100

📍 Anaheim (CA)

📆 10/13 June


June 1, 2024


Prevention is essential to reduce risks and localise disease early, but it is not always carried out regularly. Bonomi Group wanted to facilitate this action by giving all employees the opportunity to carry out free screening, on a voluntary basis, during working hours at the offices of the group's companies.

Since 2022, Bonomi Group has started to collaborate with Fondazione ANT, the non-profit organisation offering specialist assistance, with cancer prevention projects. The project has met with great success and has become an annual initiative: in 2023 the melanoma campaign was organised, in 2024 the thyroid campaign will be carried out, to be followed in 2025 by the breast and breast cancer campaign.

The visits will take place in the infirmary or in a mobile ambulatory donated by a group of entrepreneurs, including Bonomi Group.

Bonomi Group has always been attentive to the issue of its employees' health by undertaking a series of facilitations with the national health service, through the metasalute fund envisaged by the metalworkers' contract or directly, for example, with free vaccination campaigns, active for over 15 years.

For the Bonomi Group, it is essential to allow employees to work safely by protecting their health in the workplace, but it is equally important to support them in taking care of their health outside the confines of their professional activity.

May 31, 2024

RUBINETTERIE BRESCIANE PROTAGONIST OF THE DOCUFILM “Come tessere di un mosaico - Lumezzane: un distretto unico al mondo”

Rubinetterie Bresciane Bonomi with the Bonomi Group has been chosen, along with other local excellences from Lumezzane, as the protagonist of the docufilm “Come tessere di un mosaico - Lumezzane: un distretto unico al mondo” (Like pieces in a mosaic - Lumezzane: a unique district in the world), realised by the cultural department.

A documentary that describes the historical evolution of the work within the entrepreneurial realities involved, showing images of the production processes and products, but also the living voice of the representatives of the companies involved. An initiative that is part of the events and manifestations organised for the year that designates Brescia as the Italian capital of culture.

Cavaliere del Lavoro Aldo Bonomi spoke about the strong team spirit and emulation that has led this district to become a model worldwide, often cited for its entrepreneurial initiative.

Watch the full video:

This film is promoted by the Cultural Department of the City of Lumezzane and made in collaboration with Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, degree course in Disciplines of the Arts, Media and Performing Arts of the Faculty of Arts and Philosophy - Brescia campus.

The project could be realized thanks to the contribution of the following companies: Almag, Becchetti BAL, Bonomi Group, Camozzi Group, Forelli Pietro, Gambari, Gnutti Cirillo, Idrosanitaria Bonomi, Ilcar di Bugatti, Mario Fernando Group, SIL - Industrie Saleri Italo, Zani Serafino.

May 31, 2024

INTERVIEW WITH MARIO BONOMI - Studio Aperto Mag Italia Uno

Mario Bonomi, General Manager Bonomi Group Plumbing Division, tells during an interview with Studio Aperto Mag broadcast on Italia1 how Rubinetterie Bresciane Bonomi offers its employees continuous training and opportunities for professional growth.

In 2023 more than 4,000 hours were spent on training and there are numerous active welfare projects aimed at facilitating the reconciliation of lifetime and work time.

Bonomi Group is constantly looking for young people with passion, tenacity, energy, and the desire to get involved to achieve group objectives.

Watch the full interview, minute 23.50:

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