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4 de septiembre de 2024

They talk about us!

In the September 2024 issue of Installatore Professionale, there's an article dedicated to Bonomi Group Academy, a training program offered by the group for 15 young individuals under 30, that will have the opportunity to specialize in technical roles.

A unique occasion to gain skills and experience the company firsthand, thanks to the 400 hours of training, divided between practical and theoretical lessons.

31 de mayo de 2024

INTERVIEW WITH MARIO BONOMI - Studio Aperto Mag Italia Uno

Mario Bonomi, General Manager Bonomi Group Plumbing Division, tells during an interview with Studio Aperto Mag broadcast on Italia1 how Rubinetterie Bresciane Bonomi offers its employees continuous training and opportunities for professional growth.

In 2023 more than 4,000 hours were spent on training and there are numerous active welfare projects aimed at facilitating the reconciliation of lifetime and work time.

Bonomi Group is constantly looking for young people with passion, tenacity, energy, and the desire to get involved to achieve group objectives.

Watch the full interview, minute 23.50:

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31 de mayo de 2024

RUBINETTERIE BRESCIANE PROTAGONIST OF THE DOCUFILM “Come tessere di un mosaico - Lumezzane: un distretto unico al mondo”

Rubinetterie Bresciane Bonomi with the Bonomi Group has been chosen, along with other local excellences from Lumezzane, as the protagonist of the docufilm “Come tessere di un mosaico - Lumezzane: un distretto unico al mondo” (Like pieces in a mosaic - Lumezzane: a unique district in the world), realised by the cultural department.

A documentary that describes the historical evolution of the work within the entrepreneurial realities involved, showing images of the production processes and products, but also the living voice of the representatives of the companies involved. An initiative that is part of the events and manifestations organised for the year that designates Brescia as the Italian capital of culture.

Cavaliere del Lavoro Aldo Bonomi spoke about the strong team spirit and emulation that has led this district to become a model worldwide, often cited for its entrepreneurial initiative.

Watch the full video:

This film is promoted by the Cultural Department of the City of Lumezzane and made in collaboration with Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, degree course in Disciplines of the Arts, Media and Performing Arts of the Faculty of Arts and Philosophy - Brescia campus.

The project could be realized thanks to the contribution of the following companies: Almag, Becchetti BAL, Bonomi Group, Camozzi Group, Forelli Pietro, Gambari, Gnutti Cirillo, Idrosanitaria Bonomi, Ilcar di Bugatti, Mario Fernando Group, SIL - Industrie Saleri Italo, Zani Serafino.

18 de octubre de 2022

Brescia works together to develop ideas and spin-offs in the water sector

Bonomi Group (9 production units, 8 foreign commercial branches, almost 300 million turnover), represented by the product manager Claudio Gattavari, will make "his entrepreneurial soul and his experience" available to participants through technical offices, software, tools, in a few words a shared know-how.

Read the full italian article HERE